Friday, May 9, 2014

Original Commentary 2 (Marijuana Leglaization)

Marijuana is a rising issue in our government. Being a supporter of legalization of marijuana, I believe that it will help keep the crime level lower as people will not have to deal weed illegally. 
Teenagers will stay away from dealers who are dangerous. Marijuana has showed to be very helpful medically as it helps reduce stress. Not only is it medically beneficial, there are many economical benefits. If sold legally, marijuana can produce a lot of money in taxes as proved by the pot industry in Colorado. The more tax money we have, the higher our budget will be. We will have more money to spend on health care, education and reducing poverty. 
We all know that getting a job at this period in time is very difficult but if we open up pot stores we can create more jobs and help keep people out of poverty. If more jobs are created, people will not have to depend on government funds and the government will have more money to spend on other areas.
If legalization happens, we will have a brand new industry in our very own nation and we will be able to take pride in the fact that we have a domestic industry that produces large amounts of money. Not only does the pot industry produce taxes but also keeps money flowing in the economy. 
If people think that weed will cause crime then there is proof to show against it. In colorado, there has been not a single count of crime related to marijuana. To conclude, the legalization of marijuana will help the government and it's people.


  1. Man, i agree with this issue i think if we tax marijuana like we do with alcohol the state will make so much money. We cut off the middle man which is Mexican cartel which will save the nation millions on drug control. Also this money could be used to create new parks, new school but most important lower state and fed taxes. I never heard of anyone that died form smoking to much weed yet we have people die all the time, because of drunk driving or even over drinking.

  2. I agree that marijuana should be legalized. However I don’t think it will help lower the crime rate or that it would give an economic boost and help people find more jobs. Jay says that if marijuana was legalized that it would bring down the crime rate I don’t think this is true. If marijuana is legalized then there would not be a market for it but robbers are going to steal and people are going to kill for their own purpose. Jay also says that by opening stores it would cut out the middle man that’s true but, if the cartel can’t sell marijuana they will just change their business to meth or heroine. Jay argues that people will open pot stores and we can tax the marijuana but what stops people form just growing on their own. However let’s say people do not grow their own weed but pot heads are too lazy to do anything they won’t even get off the couch. So I believe we will just have a super-giant like Walmart making more money off marijuana like they do current off everything else. If weed was legalized most people would smoke all day and lay on a couch and we get nothing done.
