Friday, May 9, 2014

Commentary 2

Global warming has been a growing issue and we all know it. Recently the New York Times posted an article about how people don’t care about the fact that we are ruining our environment. I feel like people care too much about the present that they forget the importance of the future. Global warming is a slow process of destruction of our planet, but it’s sneaking up on us. The writer claims that President Obama has fulfilled his promises on controlling the environment. I agree with the writer.
            Congress has taken many actions to against harmful fuel-emission but it needs more attention. If we just take care of small things everyday we will make a big difference.  Obama needs to devise new rules governing natural gas drilling and leaks of methane, which is a greenhouse gas. He must follow through with strong rules on existing power plants, which account for 40% of the carbon dioxide emission in our country. This will infuriate senators from states that have major power plants and coal producing states. For example Mitch McConnell.

Congress passed major laws in 2012 for regulating car fuel emission. This did help reduce a lot of carbon monoxide emission but that’s not enough. As citizens of this country we need to control our carbon emission and make a difference. Improving the environment and reducing global warming are not overnight events; we have to work on it slowly and steadily. We need to make more laws to prevent global warming or at least regulate activities a little more.

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